Here is a list of the vanilla human female hairstyles: To change it, just double click on the name to make it editable and replace it with something appropriate. You'll see that part 2 is listed as hf_har_mora_0. With the MOR open, click on the little button next to MORPH_PARTS to expand that section. Open the GFF editor (\\tools\\GffEditor.exe) and go to File->Open File and browse to the MOR you just extracted (or alternatively, double click on the MOR and when Windows asks, choose to open it with the GFF editor, which will by default associate that file type with the app). In the pop-up menu, choose Extract Resource and select a convenient place to save it like your Desktop. For Morrigan, scroll down until you find hf_genfl_morrigan.mor and right click on it. You'll see a whole bunch of MORs - compiled face morphs.
Go to File->Open File and browse to \\packages\\core\\data\\ and select face.erf. Open the ERF editor (\\tools\\ErfEditor.exe). All you need is the standalone ERF editor to extract the head morph and the standalone GFF editor to edit it (these come with the toolset, so you'll still need to install it). You can do that without ever opening the toolset.